The Metal Plasticity Seminar is an annual event to promote a platform for people working in the field of metal plasticity, to discuss the state-of-the-art, the current research challenges and future developments. The intent is to strengthen the cross-fertilization between theoretical material modelling, computational and experimental plasticity and the development of industrial applications.
After two successful previous editions, OCAS and KU Leuven co-organized a third Metal Plasticity webinar on October 1st 2021. The central theme of this year’s edition was the use of artificial intelligence, machine learning and big data in the field of metal plasticity. The aim of these events is to gather people active in this field and to promote and facilitate knowledge transfer and communication between academia, research institutes and industry. About 120 participants, of which 30% active in industry, connected to this webinar from all over the world.
During the morning session, international experts discussed several applications of artificial intelligence and big data in material science, such as the prediction of mechanical properties from microstructure or chemical composition and the computation of stresses from strains without considering any constitutive behaviour.
The afternoon session started with an introduction to artificial intelligence, after which several applications of machine learning in metal plasticity were presented, namely two industrial applications related to joining and metal forming and one on constitutive modelling.
See you during next year’s event! Stay tuned and register to be informed about our upcoming events.
Meanwhile enjoy some of the real-time feedback we received during the event:
Dr. Seifallah Fetni (Université de Liège, Belgium): “Thank you very much for this interesting seminar.”
Dr. Mathias Jäckel (Fraunhofer IWU, Germany): “Thank you very much! Great seminar!”
Prof. Fabrice Pierron (University of Southampton, UK; MatchID, Belgium): “Thank you for organizing this, it was very interesting, well done!”
Prof. Patricia Verleysen (UGent, Belgium): “Ik woonde vrijdag jullie seminar bij. Proficiat ! Alweer zijn jullie erin geslaagd een bijzonder interessant programma samen te stellen. Interessante zaken gehoord, een aantal nieuwe ideeën opgedaan en dat is toch telkens de bedoeling.” – translation: “Friday, I attended your seminar. Congratulations! Once more you succeeded in constructing a highly interesting programme. Heard interesting things, got some new ideas: that’s the whole point of these exchanges.”
Asegid Tadesse (Wollega University, Ethiopia): “What a great presentation! Thank you! I hope we will continue with similar webinars in the future.”
Enjoy some pictures taken from moderators Steven Cooreman (OCAS) en Sam Coppieters (KULeuven) during the event (click picture to navigate)