To respond to the current situation, OCAS transformed its scientific seminars into webinars. The audience appreciated the new format. We are already looking forward to next year's edition!
On October 7th, 2020, the Metal Plasticity webinar “Large strain flow curve identification” was jointly organised by OCAS and KU Leuven.
Following last year’s Metal Plasticity seminar on the use of simulation tools in metal forming industry and the adopted constitutive models, this year’s edition was devoted to the identification of the large strain flow curve of metals. The aim of these events is to promote a platform for people working in the field of metal plasticity and to facilitate knowledge transfer and communication between research institutes and industry.
With around 150 participants from all over the world, about 30% working in industry, the 2020 event was again a great success.
During the webinar, international experts gave lectures on advanced experimental setups and methodologies to acquire the large strain flow curve. Knowledge transfer to industry was pursued via a workshop on FE modelling of mechanical joining, during which it was shown that, today, it is possible to simulate the complete mechanical joining process chain and to evaluate its mechanical performance without being an expert in finite element modelling.
See you during next year’s event! Stay tuned and register to be informed about our upcoming events.
Meanwhile enjoy some of the real-time feedback we received during the event:
Prof. Jean-Philippe Ponthot, Université de Liège: “Dear Steven and Sam, I would like to congratulate you for the webinar of this morning. The 4 presentations were quite interesting, and I have really enjoyed them.”
Sandeep Abotula, ArcelorMittal: “It was a great webinar and I really enjoyed it.”
Prof. Patricia Verleysen, UGent: “Beste Steven, Sam, Vandaag het Plasticity Seminar gevolgd. Heel interesssant! Jullie hebben heel goede sprekers weten te vinden. Proficiat dan ook met de organisatie.”
Prof. Erman Tekkaya, TU Dortmund, keynote lecture: “Dear Sam, dear Steven, it was a pleasure and honor! Thank you for inviting. It was a great seminar and enjoyed all the talks.”
Elia Tohme, Industeel: “Thank you for these instructive presentations”
Prof. Toshihiko Kuwabara, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, keynote lecture: “Dear Sam, Dear Steven, I really appreciate your hard work for preparing the webinar. I enjoyed it a lot! Congratulations for the great success of the seminar!”
Ehssen Betaieb, Université de Liège: “Thank you for this great event.”
Sarath Chandran, UGent: “Thank you Steven and Sam for organising the event to all the speakers for enlightening us on this topic.”
Jerzy Gawad, NLMK: ”Hi Sam and Steven, Congratulations, the webinar was a great success, with so many participants from all around the world! ”
Philip Eyckens, Flanders Make: “Thanks to all those involved for this excellent event!”
Enjoy some pictures taken from moderators Steven Cooreman (OCAS) en Sam Coppieters (KULeuven) during the event (click picture to navigate)
“Good knowledge on the large strain hardening behaviour is of the utmost importance for the correct calibration of ductile damage models.”
“The industrial workshop in the afternoon allowed to come full circle: a well-chosen material test considerably improves the predictive accuracy of commercial simulation modules.”