Steel, non-ferro, painted materials, metallic coatings, tubes, flat samples, small, large, thin, thick, you name it, the OCAS glow discharge optical emission spectrometer (GD-OES) can analyse it
Glow discharge optical emission spectrometry (GD-OES*) is a highly versatile analytical tool, providing added value in many applications both for depth profiling with nm resolution as for the determination of bulk compositions.
Thanks to its specific accessories, the OCAS GD-OES allows to measure all possible solid samples in about any shape or size:
- curved samples: inner and outer tubes
- thin foils
- small flakes
- painted samples
- etc.
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No need for dedicated calibration
For quantification purposes, pre-programmed protocols have been implemented for metallic coatings and steels. Thus, even for unknown samples OCAS can give a good estimate of the composition without the need for calibration samples.
Using the differential interferometer, in-situ depth measurement provides an estimate of e.g. surface layers’ thickness or segregations without the need for dedicated calibrations.
*GD-OESÂ is a technique relying on the sputtering of various materials and the analysis of its elements through an optical spectrometer. It is a fast technique, capable of measuring multiple elements simultaneously for a spot size of 2-4 mm. GDOES can be used for thin and thick layers and in-situ depth measurement.
“Thanks to its specific accessories and calibration flexibility our GD-OES is an allrounder for analytical purposes.”