FatCor: better understanding the FATigue CORrosion mechanisms

“Towards a longer lifetime of offshore wind turbine monopile structures by better understanding the FATigue CORrosion mechanisms”

The project FatCor investigates the mechanism of corrosion fatigue for different environmental and loading conditions, for offshore wind structures installed in the Belgian North Sea. The project combines experimental and numerical methods in order to achieve a prediction of the transition of superficial corrosion to a fatigue crack. The objective is to develop fundamental knowledge for the estimation of the remaining fatigue life of the substructure of an offshore wind turbine, particularly in the case where the structure or part of it was originally protected against corrosion, but where this protection became damaged and a new estimation of the fatigue life taking into account this damage is necessary.


H. Saeed, S. Chaudhuri, W De Waele “Calibration and Validation of extended back-face strain compliance for a wide range of crack lengths in SENB-4P specimens” Procedia Structural Integrity (2022) – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.prostr.2022.12.122

H. Saeed, S. Chaudhuri, W. De Waele “Front face strain compliance for quantification of short crack growth in fatigue testing” Journal of Strain analysis 2023 1-12 – https://doi.org/10.1177/03093247231173741

H. Saeed, S. Chaudhuri, W. De Waele “Experimental evaluation of the short and long fatigue crack growth rate of S355 structural steel offshore monopile weldments in air and synthetic seawater” Applied Ocean Research 149 (2024) – https://doi.org/10.1016/j.apor.2024.104063

H. Saeed, R. Vancoillie, F. Sofiani, W. De Waele, “Mode I stress intensity factor solutions for cracks emanated from a semi-ellipsoidal pit”.  Materials 2024, 17, 4777 – https://doi.org/10.3390/ma17194777

P. Thibaux and C. Vanden Haute, “OMAE2022-79458 Quantification of pitting and stress concentration factors on steel coupons exposed to seawater in the North Sea,” in ASME 2022 41st International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering OMAE2022, Hamburg, 2022 – https://doi.org/10.1115/OMAE2022-79458





Contact  Philippe Thibaux


“FatCor is a fundamental research project financed thanks to the support of the Energy Transition Fund of the federal authorities of Belgium