OCAS has a dedicated lab for adhesive bonding and evaluation of bonding behaviour of materials. Adhesive bonding projects are handled by our certified European Adhesive Specialist (EAS).
Typical tests
- T-peeltest for flexible bonded to rigid, or flexible to flexible, or rigid to rigid test specimen assemblies (ISO 8510-2)
- Determination of peel resistance of adhesive bonds using floating roller method (ISO 4578)
- Pull-off test (ISO 4624)
- Lap shear test (EN 1465)
- Evaluation of adhesive fracture plane according to ISO 10365 (failure type), complemented by in-house developed method for increased precision
- Tailor-made test methodologies on customer’s request
- Ageing of bonded samples: corrosion, humilidy, salt spray, temperature range from -40°C to +100°C)